EmilyLin's Writing Class

Friday, May 04, 2007

Summary of the Graduation Present (By Iris Chou)

1. What do you like best about your peer's summary? (Why? How might he or she do more of it?)

I think her writing construction is quite good because when I finish reading her summary I can know what this article is about. I thinkshe should write more about the last paragraph.

2. Is it clear what is being summarized? (i.e. Did your peer list the source, and cite it correctly?)

Yes, her summary is written correctly.

3. Is the thesis of the original essay clear in the summary? (If not, write out what you think that thesis is.)

Yes, the thesis of the original essay clear in this summary.

4. If you have read the original source, did you identify the same thesis? (If not, how does it differ?)

Yes, my summary is just written like Iris’.

5. Did your peer miss any key points from his or her summary? (If so, what are they?)

No, I think I didn't miss any points from Iris'summary.

6. Did your peer include any of his own opinions in his or her summary? (If so, what are they?)

No, I did not read about that in her summary.

7. Did your peer include any unimportant details in his or her summary? (If so, what are they?)

I think there isn't any unimportant details that my peer include in her summary.

8. Were any points in the summary lost? (If so, where and how might it be fixed? Why do you think it might be important?)

Yes, I think this article is focus on the sense of family so that the last paragraph is very important. I think she lost the last paragraph.


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